Tuesday, December 2, 2008


It was so great to have Jenni and Kelsey visit. It is hard sometimes when people ask about Russia and all they want is a sentence. It was nice to sit at Stella's for about two hours and talk about the people there. To talk about the needs and struggles there. I think it was especially nice for Jenni to not have to talk about politics. Because when people hear Russia that is what they think.

Sunday was a really hard day though. It was because Thanksgiving break was over, Jenni and Kelsey left, and all that talk about Russia had made me miss it so bad. Just hearing about how everyone is doing and how the church is made me miss everyone there so bad. It was good to hear that one of my friends had repented. It made me very very happy because I had known that he was almost there before I left. It was good to get confirmation of that.

My final for Humanities class is a paper on a significant experience in my life. It has been really hard these past couple of days really desiring to be in Russia and not being there. I can not think of God giving me a more comforting assignment. Who doesn't like to talk about themselves? So for my final I get to talk about myself and my FAVORITE thing in the whole world, Russia, for five pages. God has great timing. Even though I am sad that I am not there and I miss so many people, it is good that I have this assignment. It will be an awesome narrative of my two summers there.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Winter and Fall's Excitements

So, I get excited about many things. One of those times is when the holidays roll around. I did a post about everything I was excited for about the beach so I think I shall do one about Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Turkey - Stuffing - Cranberry Relish - Seeing Van Ness family - Seeing Greer family - making Gingerbread houses - Kelsey - Jenni - Carrie - Making Christmas candy - Going to my home church - Seeing Immediate Family - Shopping - Barnes and Noble - Fake Town (as Rita Belcher Puts It) - Ethel - Lady - Bella - Seeing one cute baby Kayla - Singing Hymns at church, not Psalms and not praise music - Class of '07 dress up party - Getting all dressed up for the party - Taking crazy pictures at the party - Seeing how everyone has been doing - Hearing Daddy's laugh - Playing DDR - Hanging out with my siblings - Falling asleep after the huge Thanksgiving Dinner - Just being with my family - Seeing Four Christmases with Ashley - Shopping With Ashley - Pumpkin Pie - Red Beans and Rice (as promised by Mommy) - Gift exchange with the Van Ness side - The house being loud and chaotic with all the family there - Kelsey and Jenni spending the night and going to church - Reminiscing about Russia with them - Making jokes about the cat where people understand it - Reflecting on how things have changed from last years Thanksgiving

Christmas (Season)
Snow - Christmas Party with my roommates - Christmas Movies - Christmas Music - Christmas Stories - Working at Chili's - Working at Lissa Cole - THE BEACH!!!! - Playing Bocce Ball at the beach - Having absolutely nothing to do for a week but be with family and read - Attempting to read many many books - Going to the library again - Getting the Harry Potter movie series with (long time coming project) - Having a Christmas Tree - Christmas Candy - New pj's - Traditional Christmas Eve Buffet - Watching "A Muppet Christmas Carol" - Reading a Christmas Story - Gift Giving - Thinking about the amazing fact that God sent his perfect son to this terrible earth to redeem us - Reading "A Christmas Carol" - Barnes and Noble - Finding some charming English Christmas story and reading it over break - Lamb for Christmas dinner - Relaxing on Christmas day after the gifts are opened - Seeing my Cousin Claire's face when she gets her American Girl doll Josephina - March of the Wooden Soldiers - Watching "Elf" and Dad almost dying of laughter from the scene where Buddy attacks Santa - Playing DDR with Siblings and Cousins - Playing Mario Kart with my siblings - Walking Lady on the beach - Having funny Grace quotes after a week with her - Seeing a show in Myrtle Beach - Playing Christmasey games - Sleeping with an Electric blanket - Singing Christmas Carols in church - Walking around while everybody has their Christmas lights on - Eggnog - Sticky Buns and Breakfast Casserole for Christmas breakfast - (hopefully I'll be there) Decorating the tree - Decorating Further our apartment for Christmas - New Years - Having free time to read - Enjoying a Charlie Brown Christmas not for the fact that I like it but that I enjoy my Mom remembering watching it as a child and getting excited about it - Miracle on 34'th street - Eloise at Christmas - It's a Wonderful Life - The Santa Claus 1 & 2

Some of these things may seem silly but I put them on there because they are sentimental. I cherish them because they happen every year. Man, I'm glad Christmas only comes once a year, it makes it all the more special!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

High School Musical 3 and waiting on God's timing.

So, this weekend myself and a bunch of other girls headed to High School Musical 3. It was especially exciting because Abbi and Sarah were able to come this weekend. I can not put into words how excited I was. Let me just say before I talk about the movie, I am tired of people (Christians!) condemning me for watching High School Musical!!!! "It encourages mediocrity, it encourages guys to never grow up." Different arguments. You know what, I could be watching Family Guy, Grey's Anatomy or something trashy like Saw. When people say they watch that, do I condemn them for watching it? No, I know that Christians are all convicted in different areas. But, how dare they condemn me for watching HSM! I am watching something that is good, clean fun. So step off. Sorry, I get a little carried away. So, I was beyond excited for this movie. I enjoyed it way more than I thought I would too. They really did it up big. I might like this music even more than any of the other movies. And, there was some serious reality in this one. The whole gang realize that they will have to leave high school and each other and Troy and Gabriella really take into account if they will be able to stay together. Sharpay and her materialism bring her bad consequences. So, I'm sick of people saying I shouldn't watch it. Also, Troy makes a decision for himself about what he will do after college different from what his Dad wants. He decides to take up a not so popular performing arts major. His Dad understands and is not viewed as a bad guy. Troy encourages Gabriella to take up her opportunity at Stanford University even when it means she will be away from him. So, I have only good things to say about it.

The thing that bothered me coming out of the theatre is that whenever I think about girls that have nice boyfriends in movies or in reality, it really makes me want that. I am really gonna pray about it. I wanna wait on God's timing. It's just kinda upsetting because I know the exact type of guy that I want. The only guys I meet like that aren't interested. So, I am really hoping for "the guy" that I meet that is like that will be the first guy that is like that will be the guy I marry. But, I really want to be content with God's timing, because it is always best.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Gallery Crawl

Last night, I had the opportunity to go to a gallery crawl in Pittsburgh. I was so glad I went! It was free and I got to hang out with Lisa and some other cool girls. It was in the cultural district of Pittsburgh and all the galleries were open for free. There was the culinary institute, a political cartoon place, a gallery with cartoons from "The People's History of America", woodblock art, interpretive dance, and several other eclectic galleries including African American paintings. They were beautiful!
It was just nice to go do something that is very cultured. Yes, I saw a lot of art that was how do you put it....flaming liberal....it is good for you to experience things outside of your beliefs. I really enjoyed myself.
Also, who can say that they went into a random sketchy bar in Pittsburgh to use the bathroom and had their friend stand in the bathroom with them because it was too scary to stay outside by yourself. Quite an event :)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Sovereignty of God

I really feel like writing about this, it's been on my heart lately.
So, I have been getting to be really good friends with this awesome girl, Lisa. She's so cool! She just makes people wanna be around her. She writes music, she's hilarious, and she has the most awesome heart for God. I really feel that I can talk with her about many things spiritual and she wont' get tired of it. We were at BFCT (Beaver Falls Coffee and Tea Company), a coffee shop owned by my Humanities teacher. It's awesome, it's in the downstairs of his house so it is very cozy. I got a Banana Bread Latter, yummo! I love fall, it makes me feel cozy. Anyhow, I started talking with Lisa about how comforting it is that God is a sovereign God. I don't think the church she went to before really taught that. So, now that she is here it is kind of a new idea for her and she is loving it. I think it is so awesome to think that a God who controls the entire universe and is utterly perfect and complete decides to take care of his children! When I think about National Security and all of this hullabaloo about the economy and how crazy things can get, it really gives me a peace that passeth all understanding that God is in control of it! If God is for us, who can be against us? Not only is he in control of it, he has deemed everything! He does not live in time, mind blowing right??????
*Sigh*, I was just so excited I wanted to write about it.

Friday, September 26, 2008

College Life

Wow, I have not written in forever. I have no homeworking today so I suppose I shall do some blogging. I wanted to do a long post after Russia but I never did so I suppose I'll do one about college.

It has been about a month and a half since I pulled out of the driveway with my mother. The first week was orientation. It was a very filled week. We got to go out to a movie, we got to go on a cruise by Pittsburgh, we had a scavenger hunt to get to know our way around the campus and other things. It was good to have a concentrated group where I could really get to know other students.

I have now had 5 weeks of classes. I have an Old Testament class, Humanities (like philosphy about what it means to be human), Earth and Space Science, Human Geography, and Physical Fitness (8 am, grrr).

We're talking about Death now in Humanities. Today was the last day of it though. Next week will be Marriage, yay!

I'm not gonna lie, I've had a lot of crying phone calls to home. I thought the move from home would be much easier than it would. The part that made it hardest was that I was only at my actual house 3 days before I left for college. I was also kinda expecting making friends to be instant. Well, it wasn't. It has really made me fully rely on God and trust him with everything.

I just realized today that today is the first day that I truly feel at ease here. I am done with my killer science test, I got an awesome grade on my Bible test and I really feel at home. I'm getting a network of friends now and I feel like I can be myself around them. I don't have to be normal. I can be weird and quote movies and burst out into song like I like to. It's so awesome to go to a Christian school and have Godly friends. I have friends that make Christ the center of their lives and you can tell by how they act.

I love my roommates and hanging out with them. I love Joanna's little voice and Amy's big laugh and when she says "I'm kidding" and I love Lindsay's sweet personality and how Godly she is.
This weekend I'm gonna watch "Horton Hears a Who" with Lisa, and go swing dancing. Tomorrow I'm going to clean the big G on the hill and then watch Tin Man with Emily. I'll go to chapel on Sunday with Anna and Sarah. In the evening I'll go to College Hill RP with Lindsay and Joanna and Titus's house afterwards.

I was talking with Lisa today about what I wanna do after college. It makes me so excited to think that God has a huge and wonderful plan for my life. I am happiest when I serve him and I want to serve him with all of my heart and all of my being. I don't know what exactly he has in store for me but I can't wait!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Sitting, Waiting, and Reflecting.

Right now I'm sitting in the airport waiting on the about the fifth option they've given us. We don't know if we'll make our connecting flight. We'll see if we can make it.
So, this weekend Mommy and myself headed down to MS. One of my best friends growing up, Duke, was getting married. I am so happy now that we decided to come. I really think it meant a lot to him for us to come. Him and Jennifer came up and thanked me and Mom especially. It was also good to see the rest of his family. I love Southern weddings! I plan on doing mine that way. It was such a refreshingly simple wedding. She had a nice cream colored chiffon dress. The bridesmaids wore green silk dresses with cream colored flowers. The reception was finger foods a cake cutting and mingling. This is my favorite type of wedding. *These opinions are mine and are not directed at any northerner in specific* I hate how at weddings up here people have to have these big long drawn out receptions with dancing and a sit down meal and a long line of activities. Guests have graced you with their presence already and you want them to stay for all that. Weddings like that make everybody tired especially the bride and groom and they are ready to leave and have time to themselves. I am having this type of reception and Abbi agrees.

I don't care what anybody says, Mississippi (not Alabama or Arkansas) accents are so pleasant to hear. It's not a red neck accent, it's a slow old south accent and I love it. Fixin' to and Ya'll are awesome words/phrases!

So, while I was there I visited my old house and it was the weirdest feeling. The place I grew up in looked so different. It felt so weird to walk into my house and it not be my house anymore. I also made my way down to the creek. Behind our old house we had this awesome beautiful field and then a forest of pine trees and then a big creek. It was such a feeling of nostalgia walking down the field. Then, what I thought would happen would, I could not resist the urge to take off my flip flops. I was going through the grass, mud, thorns, and sand barefoot. I don't know why but even with all the pain it caused on walks as a child, I wanted to go barefoot. I even liked the pain to an extent because I felt freer without them. It felt just like I was a little kid again. I saw tadpoles and a deer and I found some clay in the creek. I loved growing up with that in my backyard. I came up from the walk all muddy and it was wonderful. I can be girly but I love getting muddy. It was interesting to think about growing up there. I really didn't have many friends but I still liked being with my family. People in school didn't wanna be friends with me because I was the pastors kid ("christian school", yeah right). It was a small town and people can be ignorant. My church family wasn't like this fortunately. I did have some homeschooling friends sometimes. I had great summers with them and my siblings. Staying out until the sunset and going out in the field and making forts. I remember one time Daddy jumped on hay bails with us and we played tag. We had this really cool fort at the creek too, it was our own private beach. Then there were the days spent at the pool. We played so many different games all together and got sooooooo tan. Then there were the rainy days in the attic when we played spies or orphans. It was kinda sad being back there but in a way it was cool also. It is sad to think that being a little kid was over but I should also be thankful that I had such a cool childhood. People up here may make fun of the south and act like people there are ignorant but that is a form of ignorance. It also bugs the crap out of me when people make fun of southern accents. Weall have accents in case you haven't noticed, we just can't hear them because we live around our native accent.

It was a good visit and it was good to see the local things. Even though I don't live Mississippi anymore I loved being there for when I was. I am just in a different part of life now. Life is full of changes and I need to live with it. This makes me think of one thing that will never change. God. It is scary to think about how many changes I will have to make in life, the state of the environment, our countries economy, foreign policy (especially if Obama takes over), school and loans, dating the right person that God has for me. In all this crazyness, I know that God is the only truly comforting thing. He has an eternal promise and when believers are in heaven together, there will be perfect fellowship and no problems or pain or tears. Remember God's enduring promise.